Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Smith Layeth the Smacketh Down

I will not be going back to Weight Watchers. Why? Well, to put it simply, Smith said no. Now, before everybody gets all hinky about me taking orders from my trainer, let me just say this:


What have I accomplished since he started working with me? Let's do a quick inventory.

1. I've lost close to thirty pounds.
2. I feel better about myself than I have in a really, really long time.
3. I am no longer beating myself up on a daily basis for the things I can or can't do.
4. I pay attention to what I eat without obsessing about it.
5. I have learned that I DO have time to work out, every day.
6. I DID A MOTHEREFFING 5K, something I didn't think I'd be able to do for at least a year.

Smith made some good points (ha! points!) about Weight Watchers without really dissing the program. His biggest concern was the cost -- he knows I'm broke, and he knows there are other things I should be putting my money towards (NCE fees, ahem). He acknowledged that he's been busy, and told me now that he's used to his new work schedule, we'll get back on track with workout sessions. He knows that I need the one on one time to stay motivated.

He also gave me a swift kick in the butt because he knows I've been slacking. I whined about my medical stuff, and he told me he was going to bring me some Advil for my knee, and a straw to SUCK IT THE HELL UP. Heh. Man, I needed to hear that.

So it's back to the grind -- treadmill, food management, weights, supplements. Woo hoo!

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